Got a moment? Have you ever thought if God really loves us the way we have been told - then wouldn’t He want to be more present in our lives? …More tangible?

…I always thought so too.

Here’s my bio.

Rod Pruitt’s Biography.

Born on the “caprock” in the southwest city of Lubbock, Texas, in December of 1951, Rod grew up in a conservative Christian home. Being only one of two children, he was taught by example that life without God was not something to ever be considered.

But despite his upbringing, and having become a Christian at twelve - at sixteen years old, now disillusioned and cynical…Rod rejected and walked away from Christianity to become agnostic. 

“For me? …Christianity had over-promised, and under-produced. And as a result, there just wasn’t enough proof of change in the lives of other Christians, nor in my own life, to convince me that God existed!”

But three years later, now worn down by the “reproof of life” , alone and in the back of a church in Lamesa, Texas, Rod miraculously experienced the presence of God in a tangible encounter.

And then a month later, while in his car driving back to Lubbock, Rod heard God now clearly asking him to change the course of his life, and love and “minister to the saints”. …Within a month Rod had enrolled as a theology major in a major Bible University.

But then only a few years after leaving the university, and pastoring a church for 5 years in Oklahoma - now burned out, Rod left the ministry disillusioned and lost!

…The truth - hidden from everyone, Rod had struggled with two dark secrets since childhood – alcohol abuse and immorality!

“For all of those years I was searching for a way to escape! …I didn’t want to be who I was! But there were no answers! The world taught me how to cope. And yes, Christianity promised much more, but for me - nothing worked! All I found were platitudes, promises, and empty phrases. But no relief. …No relief.”

Now mentally and emotionally struggling with who he really was, Rod was determined to hide and never again be involved in ministry leadership!

But then - 15 years later…on the side of a road out of San Antonio, Texas, after decades of dealing with his secret addictions - God revealed the hidden door that so long ago Rod had unknowingly opened into God’s tangible presence!

The torment was finally over! 30 years of addictions ended! The curse forever broken! And the son that was once lost - was now home in the tangible presence of God!

And with the return of this “prodigal”, Through the Storm ministries was born in October 1997!


As a result of these life experiences and the “Life Message” placed within Rod’s heart by God, it is now Rod’s passion and that of Through the Storm to present a practical, God-tangible working gospel to Christians worldwide! Working to help those lost in the difficulties of life to discover the power of God’s presence to now live in His peace, love, faithfulness, joy patience, and righteousness!


Rod is the creator of the national seminar for pastors, “Finding Your Life Message”, and the national seminars, “A Touchable and Tangible God”, “Living Without Emotional Pain”, and the new ground breaking “Stepping into God’s World”!

Now let’s get back to you…

— What if all along you were supposed to have a totally different relationship with God? One where God becomes more tangible than you could have ever imagined?

I know, I know. You may even be struggling to believe it’s possible. …But what if I’m right? Willing to take a chance?

If so…I’m here for you. To inspire you, to pray with you, to cry with you. And if you want to go - to take you into God’s tangible presence!

…I’ll be waiting.